“Among the Mosques: A Journey Across Muslim Britain”: Praised by British Media but Criticized by Scholars

On the 10th June 2021 Ed Husain’s released his latest book, titled “Among the Mosques: A Journey across Muslim Britain”. Despite being praised by the British media as “fascinating”1,”timely and important”2, doubts have been raised by local councils, academics and activists who argue that Husain’s work contains both factual inaccuracies and sweeping generalisations. Among the

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Journey into Europe

Writing any type of survey book on Islam in Europe is not a task for the faint of heart. Islam’s long-term presence in Europe, combined with its myriad expressions and trajectories across the continent in modern history, makes such a project a daunting one. Ambassador Akbar Ahmed, the Pakistani high commissioner to the United Kingdom

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What is Political Islam by Jocelyne Cesari

The debate continues unabated: Is political Islam decipherable through the tenets of the Islamic tradition – or is it a tool of secular actors who shrewdly misuse religious references? Is it an expression of modernity, or a return to the past? Eschewing these dichotomies, Jocelyne Cesari demystifies the continuous process of interaction between secular and

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Keeping It Halal: The Everyday Lives of Muslim American Teenage Boys by John O’Brien

A compelling portrait of a group of boys as they navigate the complexities of being both American teenagers and good Muslims This book provides a uniquely personal look at the social worlds of a group of young male friends as they navigate the complexities of growing up Muslim in America. Drawing on three and a

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Journey through an Islamic Germany: A book seeks to give diverse Muslims a voice

Providing a counterpoint to the black-and-white narrative Karen Krüger, journalist at culture desk of the conservative weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, has released a new book in which she embarks on a journey through what she terms an ‘Islamic Germany’, portraying diverse Muslim Germans in their daily lives. Krüger’s self-professed goal is to show the diversity of the

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