Our Team

Dr. Jocelyne Cesari
Website Coordinator [More info]
Primary Researchers and Contributors:
Arman Syed
Project Responsibilities: UK and Europe news and Research
Arman Syed is pursuing a Master’s in Islamic Studies at the University of Birmingham.
Freeha Riaz
Project Responsibilities: US News and Research
After a B.S. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from the University of California and a career in corporate America in business development in the pharmaceutical industry for over 12 years, Freeha went on to pursue a Masters in Liberal Arts from Harvard University Extension School in the field of Middle Eastern Studies and was awarded the Dean’s prize for outstanding ALM Thesis in the field of Government. [More info]
Rawan Abdulla
Project Responsibilities: The UK and the US news and research
Rawan Abdulla is a PhD student at the University of Birmingham in the theology and religious studies department.[More info]
Lucas Faure
Project Responsibilities: The UK and France news and research
Lucas Faure is a French PhD-candidate in Political Sciences at the Institute of Political Sciences of Aix-en-Provence. [More info]
Sakina Loukili
Project Responsibilities: The Netherlands news and research
Sakina Loukili is currently pursuing a Research Master’s in Religious Studies at the University of Amsterdam, with a specialization in Islam in the modern world. [More info]
Ada Mullol i Marin
Project Responsibilities: Spain and European-level news and research
Ada Mullol is a journalist and holds a Master in Arab Studies from Georgetown University and a Master in International Relations from the Barcelona Institute of International Studies. Ada is currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Birmingham. [More info]