About Us

Euro-Islam.info is an active network of researchers and scholars who conduct comparative research on Islam and Muslims in Europe and the USA and disseminate key information to politicians, media, and the public.

Sponsored by the Cadbury Centre at the University of Birmingham, the site is recognized in academic, political and media circles as the most reliable online reference for Islam in Europe.

Our Mission

In the last two decades, the topic of Islam in the West has become central to practitioners, scholars, and policy makers working across foreign and domestic policy domains. Policy solutions to complex issues such as immigration, integration, and anti-terrorism require multi-disciplinary approaches that will only be derived through a process of exchange and cooperation across both states and sectors. Committed partnerships between experts, thorough research, and innovative problem solving are required to tackle the international and domestic challenges of this century and to realize the opportunities for deeper understanding and respect across political, religious, and cultural boundaries.

Euro-Islam.info supports the networking, research, and purposeful dialogue that meet these demands. With up-to-date news stories, in-depth country profiles and analysis of contemporary issues related to Islam and Muslims in Western Europe and North America, and a database of recent publications, Euro-Islam.info facilitates productive discussion on key issues and provides a networking platform for some of the fields’ top researchers.

This work is undertaken with the belief that by providing thoughtful and innovative discursive frameworks, Euro-Islam.info can help ensure that political, media, and intellectual discourses on Islam in the West are constructive, balanced, and worth democratic civility.

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