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Belgian King Acts Over Islamic Veil Death Threat

King Albert II voices solidarity with Remmery, company boss facing death threat for defending Amzil’s right to wear a headscarf. BRUSSELS – Belgium’s King Albert II has voiced solidarity with a company boss facing a death threat for defending an employee’s right to wear an Islamic headscarf, in a case gripping the country, officials said

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Vingt Mille Musulmans De France S’apprêtent À Partir Pour Le Traditionnel Pèlerinage De La Mecque

By Xavier Ternisien Twenty thousand French Muslims plan to partake in the traditional pilgrimage to Mecca this year. CFCM is sending a delegation to Saudi Arabia to plan the details. {(article continues in French)} A 8 heures par e-mail, recevez la Check-list, votre quotidien du matin. Abonnez-vous au Monde.fr Le Conseil fran_ais du culte musulman

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Immigrazione/Pera: Aveva Ragione Biffi, Far Entrare Solo Cristiani

Cardinal Biffi proposed to make a law only allowing Christians to immigrate to Italy. The President of the Senate, Marcello Pera plans to support it. {(Article continues below in Italian)} Roma, 29 dic. (Apcom) – Il cardinale Biffi, che propose di far entrare in Italia solo immigrati provenienti da paesi di religione cristiana “fu molto

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Racist Violence Increases In The Netherlands

Amsterdam – The murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in November has led to a wave of racist violence in the country, mainly against Muslims, according to a report released by the Anne Frank Foundation.

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Cabinet To Act Against ‘Extremist Mosques’

AMSTERDAM – The Dutch government has committed itself to a plan of action against the 10 to 25 mosques in the Netherlands where “extremist sermons” are delivered, Interior Minister Johan Remkes has said. Remkes told Parliament that if the criminal law can’t be used against these mosques, the government will consider withdrawing subsidies and residence

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