Düsseldorf: Zwischen Ehrgeiz Und Benachteiligung Alevitentum Als Schulfach Eingeführt, Doch Anzahl Der Alevititischen

    Sch_ler Unklar The Ministry of Education in North Rhine Westphalia has accepted the offer of the Alevitischen Gemeinde Deutschland to provide religious instruction in schools. This follows Berlin, Hessia, Bavaria, and Baden Wurttemberg in the recognition of the community. The instruction will follow the determination of the number of students desiring this instruction. The recognition…

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      Terrorismo: Frattini, Comunità; Islam Combattano Estremisti

      Il terrorismo purtroppo non e’ sconfitto. Lo ha detto Franco Frattini, vice presidente della Commissione europea, intervistato oggi nel corso della trasmissione radiofonica “Baobab” in onda su Radiouno. Frattini ritiene che sia necessario l’impegno delle comunita’ islamiche affinche’ “contribuiscano a sradicare l’estremismo”. Queste premesse sono “assolutamente indispensabili” per “togliere l’alibi ai violenti e alle frange…

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        Purge On Extremists Uk To Deport 500 Muslims In Phases

        LONDON, Aug 7:-In a massive crackdown on extremists following the London terror attacks, British authorities will deport in phases as many as 500 radical Muslims, out of which a dozen clerics will be sent to their homelands over the next two weeks, reports PTI. The move follows British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s announcement last week…

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