North Rhine/Westphalia Wants to Improve Integration

The central challenge today is: integration by education, explained North-Rhine/Westphalia Prime Minister Juergen Ruettgers (CDU). Earlier, the cabinet approved a twenty-point “plan of action on integration”. The plan includes the development of an Islamic religious curriculum, in co-operation with Muslim organisations, to be taught in German by trained religious teachers and falling under the official

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Global Migration Needs Pluralism Not Religious Sectarianism, Says Vatican Group

Migrant workers from Christian, Muslim and other backgrounds have common interests and should seek to support each other, the final text of the twelfth plenary session of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People declared last week. Overall the statement also encourages the Catholic Church to move away from a

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Watchdog For Uk Mosques Launches

A potentially influential body aimed at tackling extremism is being launched a year after the London bombings. LONDON – The mosques standards body was a key proposal from a government-backed extremism taskforce. In a unique move, leaders of four major British Muslim groups have agreed the body is essential to modernise and open up religious

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