Muslim feminists assert the right to control their bodies

    Pour Siham Drissi, Fran’aise d’origine marocaine, 28 ans, le combat f’ministe est l’avenir de l’islam. Les f’ministes musulmanes ne vont pas “descendre dans la rue pour br’ler leurs soutiens-gorge”, dit-elle, mais c’est bien la libre disposition de leur corps qu’elles ont r’clam’e lors du congr’s qui a r’uni ‘ Barcelone, du 3 au 5 novembre,…

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      From Normale Superieur to Sufism, and Back

      Islam must find its place in the West. Abdennour Pierre Bidar, professor of philosophy, is persuaded of this and wants to convince us as well. But his Islam is particular – it is the result of a long personal path that has let him to consider himself today as an atypical muslim, a “polka-dotted zebra”…

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        Iftar and American Islam

        Iftar (the breaking of daily fasts during the Islamic month of Ramadan) in interfaith settings is an increasingly widespread phenomenon. This year there were dozens of interfaith Iftar celebrations throughout New York City, where I live, and perhaps hundreds nation wide. Inviting non-Muslims to break fast has become a primary way in which Islam explains…

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