Muslims Remain Very Attached to Collective Rituals

    It is generally said that France is home to 5 million Muslims. In reality, however, no one has counted them, because ethnic and religious census questions are forbidden. The last projections made by poller Michele Tribalat (on the basis of INED’s family surveys in 1999) put the estimation at more like 4 million Muslims living…

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    Abdellah Hammoudi : “Affirming the woman as an autonomous religious subject”

    Un entretien avec Abdellah Hammoudi, anthropologue a l’universite de Princeton, par Sylvain Cypel Hormis la d_mographie et les facilit_s de transports, comment expliquer la croissance rapide de la participation au hajj ? Dans le monde musulman, une g_n_ration sort d’_coles plus modernes incluant une instruction religieuse plus pouss_e. De plus, le p_lerinage fait l’objet d’une…

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      Muslim Media Coverage Scrutinized

      The way that the British news media covers Muslim stories is challenging some of its most basic editorial values. Many Muslims feel that all British news outlets have a liberal, anti-Muslim slant, and as a result turn to outside news outlets such as al-Jazeera. But journalists who report on political Islam say that there is…

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        Muslims ask Pope to Allow Them to Pray in Cathedral

        A Spanish Muslim group has asked Pope Benedict XVI for permission to worship alongside Christians in the Great Mosque of Cordoba, turned into a cathedral in the 13th century. They sent a letter on Christmas to the Pope’s Spanish representative, asking that the building be opened for prayer by all religions as a model of…

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