A new ‘dirty war’ threatens Algerians

    Paris/Algiers (dpa) – On September 7 in Batna, 425 kilometres east of Algiers, hundreds of people had gathered near the city’s mosque to await President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Shortly before the president arrived, an explosion ripped through the crowd, shredding bodies and sending survivors fleeing in panic. Twenty-two people were killed and 107 were injured in…

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      RVW Berlin déjoue des tentatives d’attentats islamistes visant des intérêts allemands et américains

      Extrait : Deux Allemands convertis _ l’islam et un Turc install_ depuis longtemps outre-Rhin ont _t_ arr_t_s. Dix autres personnes sont recherch_es. Les djihadistes seraient li_s _ Al-Qaida. Au lendemain de l’arrestation de trois islamistes soup_onn_s de pr_parer une s_rie d’attentats _ la voiture pi_g_e, dix autres personnes _taient recherch_es, jeudi 6 septembre, par la…

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        Moderates attack ‘fundamentally wrong’ approach to teaching Islam

        Riyadh ul Haq, who has preached of the evil influence of the West, may be a faithful representative of the Deobandi school of Sunni Islam but he does not speak for all Islamic scholars, let alone all Muslims. No one knows that better than Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra. Mr Mogra, the chairman of the Muslim Council…

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