The thirty Islamist that tried to dash the National Audience are back in the bench

Thirty suspects of the operation Nova (the first violent Islamist attempt since 9/11) -are now appearing before the Spanish National Audience. All of them are accused of conspiracy to perform terrorist attacks, namely the one using a bomb car to explode the building of the National Audience; belonging to an armed group; forgery of official

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More Districts Closing on Muslim Holidays

By Debra Nussbaum In Paterson, there has been no school on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur for years. But now the schools are also closed on the Muslim holidays of Eid al-Fitr (the end of the month of fasting for Ramadan) and Eid al-Adha (the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca). Prospect Park schools generally

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Interview with Female Muslim Convert

Interview with Lydia Nofal, a German Muslim convert, who fights for a new mosque in Berlin-Charlottenburg.

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UK Muslims warned: don’t drink poisonous ‘holy’ water

British Muslims are being warned that criminal gangs are operating a multi-million pound illegal racket selling them fake holy water wrongly labelled as having come from Mecca. The black market trade in fake ‘Zam Zam’ water – named after the 14ft-deep well in the holy city in Saudi Arabia from where the genuine substance flows

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