Muslim Diversities volumes II and III: ’Circumstances and Change’ and ’Conformity and Conflict’

The “Muslim Diversities” series offers a comprehensive exploration of the diversities that constitute the contemporary Islamic and Muslim social, political, economic and theological landscapes around the world. It challenges and deconstructs the assumption of homogeneity that pervades contemporary understandings of what constitutes today’s “Islam” and “Muslims”. Each of its three volumes seek to present a

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Islam in Europe: Diversity, Identity and Influence

Events over recent years have increased the global interest in Islam. This volume seeks to combat generalisations about the Muslim presence in Europe by illuminating its diversity across Europe and offering a more realistic, highly differentiated picture. It contends with the monist concept of identity that suggests Islam is the shared and main definition of

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Palestinian makes music the answer to peace

Ramzi Aburedwan, a Palestinian living in Italy is working towards using the power of music to bring people together and aid the Middle East peace process. Aburedwan recently performed in two shows entitled ‘Al Kamandjati’ (The Violinist) at the prestigious Auditorium in Rome, with accompanying Israeli, Italian, and Muslim writers and actors to support him.

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Kurdish journalists on death row honored in Siena

Two Kurdish journalists who have condemned in Iran, have been awarded a prestigious Italian prize for freedom of the press. Adnan Hassanpour and Khalil Boutimar were awarded in Siena’s Town Hall, and recognized for their insistence on publishing the controversial Kurdish-Farsi news magazine _Asu’ which was shut down by Iranian authorities in 2005 and later

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Ireland: Islam now Ireland’s third largest religion

Islam is now Ireland’s third largest religion after a 70 percent surge in the number of Muslims in the country between 2002 and 2006, according to official data released Thursday. For decades Ireland was a country of emigration but the 2006 Census showed a surge in immigration in a decade of the so-called Celtic Tiger

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