European Islam: Challenges for Society and Public Policy

Works on Islam in Europe often read like a juxtaposition of national case studies covering the history and perhaps the sociology of immigrant groups in the countries considered. Although the sociology of Islam is well-developed in certain European countries such as France, Germany and the UK, it is only in its infancy as a discipline

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Scheduled to lead the mosque of Créteil, imam is threatened with deportation to Algeria

A commission of expulsion will decide the fate of an Algerian imam, Ilyes Hacene, who has been accused of inciting an ideology of discrimination, hatred, and violence against the Jewish people and the Western world. Hacene, who has been living in France since 1999, was approached to become the imam of the main mosque in

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US terror case hearing reveals details on work by Muslim convert informant

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut: William Chrisman had three wives and nine children to support and struggled with panic attacks, but the Muslim convert was determined to help the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He became an informant for the FBI and ended up in contact with two other Muslim converts suspected of

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Islam Debate in Germany: “Girls are made unable for integration

The German writer G_nter Wallraff proposed reading Salman Rushdi’s ‘Satanic Verses’ in a controversial new mosque in Cologne. The religious foundation building the mosque discussed the project but eventually refused the proposal. G_nter Wallraff doesn’t think of himself as a provocateur, he just wants to get a dialogue going and to put the integration of

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Pakistanis protest against consulate

Pakistanis living in Italy held a demonstration against what they perceived as an unreasonable attitude b the Pakistani consulate in Rome. The Italian government began regularizing illegal immigrants by issuing them work permits – but due to a non-cooperative attitude by the Pakistani consulate, almost twenty thousand Pakistanis were unable to complete the necessary documentation.

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