German Study on Muslim Viewpoints

A German study has revealed that while many Muslims in Germany have fundamentalist viewpoints, a large majority rejects terrorist attacks. Commissioned by Germany’s Interior Ministry, the study found that four out of 10 Muslims in Germany would justify the use of violence in case Islam was threatened by the West. The study, which questioned 1,750

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Statistics on Islamophobia in the U.S.

Provides an overview and bibliographic information of statistics on Islamophobia in the United States. Compiled by Abdul Malik Mujahid. Since the events of September 11, 2001, Muslims and brown-skinned people in this country have been under siege. While tens of thousands have been detained without any probable cause, summarily detained, or have fled in fear,

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Islam, Islamisms, and the West

Identity politics in the widest sense is now quite the norm, and it comes to us in many guises, in the actual conduct of politics as well as in political theories and analyses, from the right, the left, the liberal centre. Culturalism, or the view that culture is the primary and determining instance of social

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Chairmanship conference on Intolerance and Discrimination

The document relates the view expressed by european Imams and Ministers who met in Vienna in 2006, and that was expressed at a OSCE conference in Cordoba in 2007. The position of these public actors underlines that Islam in Europe is theologically compatible with the principles of democracy, pluralism and human rights. It then focusses

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The New Frontiers of Jihad: Radical Islam in Europe

Following the terrorist attacks on London and Madrid, radical Islam is presumed to be an increasingly potent force in Europe. Yet beneath the media hysteria, very little is actually known about it. What radical movements are there? How do they operate? What is driving them? Who are their recruits? What is their relationship, if any,

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