Sikhs hold peace march to protest against French turban ban

Although the 2004 French law banning obvious religious signs in public schools was significantly aimed at Islamic head coverings, the law is also forcing Sikh students to choose between removing their turbans or being expelled. Two days before French President Nicolas Sarkozy is expected in New Delhi, protestors took to the streets to demand that

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Moroccan women’s group back pope on freedom of speech

Italy’s Moroccan Women’s Association took part in an event to reflect on a recent decision made by a prestigious Rome university, to oppose a visit by Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope cancelled a visit to Rome’s La Sapienza University after protests by academics and students concerning his position on the astronomer Galileo. Souad Sbai, the

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Death threat against FPÖ politician justifies her attack on Islam

FP_ General Secretary Harald Vilimsky said Wednesday that the Islamic death threat against Graz FP_ politician Susanne Winter had justified her Sunday attack on Islam. Winter had claimed at the FP_’s New Year’s meeting in Graz six days before the municipal election there that the prophet Mohammed had been “a child molester” and written the

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