Brigitte Bardot charged with Inciting Racial Hatred Over Complaint about Aïd el-Kebir

Former French actor and animal activist Brigitte Bardot went on trial in a Paris courtroom charged with inciting racial hatred over remarks made in a letter to French president Nicolas Sarkozy in December 2006 regarding the Muslim festival of Aïd el-Kebir and the slaughter of sheep. Bardot wrote, I am fed up with being under

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Italy’s Northern League resurgent; Berlusconi returns to power

Italy’s center-right leader Silvio Berlusconi won a return to power this week, and concerns over immigration resulted in gains by the anti-immigrant Northern League. While the two maintain some differences, both have concerns about Italy’s increasing foreign-born population. “One of the first things to do is to close the frontiers and set up more camps

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Honor violence under-estimated

According to experts interviewed by Knack magazine, thousands of women and girls in Belgium deal with honor-related violence. Commissioner Marc Van de Plas of the federal police cites 17 honor murders in the last five years in Belgium, notwithstanding the so many other forms of honor-violence: abuse, confinement, kidnapping, forced marriage, etc… Immigrant women are

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Two MPs to represent four million immigrants

Two immigrants have been elected to the new Italian parliament – Souad Sbai and Jean Leonard Touadi. Selegalese born Touadi has been elected as an MP for the centre-left Italy of Values Party, and Sbai, the president of Italy’s Association of Moroccan women has been elected an MP for Berlusconi’s conservative People of Freedom Party.

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Bishops draw criticism for dodging survey on Muslims

Spanish bishops who refused to respond to a survey about Muslim immigration are drawing criticism for turning the backs on inter-religious relations. “We feel sad at this silence that we do not understand and which hurts us as Christians,” noted Emilio Galindo Aguilar, the head of the Centre for Hispano-Arabic and Islamic-Christian Research, which conducted

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