Diabetes affects foreigners in Spain

The numbers of immigrants living with diabetes in Spain is estimated between 15-25 percent of immigrants, compared to just 12 percent among native Spaniards. “We think there are around 500,000 diabetic immigrants, diagnosed and not, most of whom are Latin American, Moroccan and Pakistani”, explains Josep Franch at the Raval Sud Drassanes medical clinic in

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Manchester UK’s Blackburn prayers in park festival plan

A two-day Muslim prayer festival could be staged in Corporation Park, Blackburn, next month. The event – the first of its kind outside London – would attract thousands of visitors from across the North West, according to the group behind the plans. They hope the festival would help change the image of Muslims and how

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Muslims warned about bogus beggers

A London Council is warning the Muslim community not to give money to beggars following reports that they are deliberately being targeted during the holy month of Ramadan. The religious festival, with its tradition of giving alms, is believed to have become a target for unscrupulous people, some of whom have even resorted to posing

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Crackdown on ‘suicide websites’

The law on “suicide websites” is to be rewritten to ensure people know they are illegal, the government has said. It follows concerns people searching for information on suicide are more likely to find sites encouraging the act than offering support. It is illegal under the 1961 Suicide Act to promote suicide, but no website

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