Calif. Muslim Candidate Receives Death Threat

A Muslim candidate for the Irvine City Council reported receiving a death threat after he had been smeared by a council member’s Islamophobic attacks. The candidate, Todd Gallinger, a convert to Islam, received an anonymous threat in which the caller “read the article…about Todd being a born-again Muslim,” and said, “I want to cut off

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CAIR Asks FBI to Probe Vandalism at Chicago Mosque

The Council on American-Islamic Relations called on the FBI to investigate a recent incident of vandalism against a Chicago area mosque as a possible hate crime. The Islamic Foundation Mosque in Villa Park was vandalized last week, which is the fourth such incident in two months. A mosque employee discovered that two windows were shattered

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At rally, McCain refutes that Obama is Arab, says he is decent

At a recent town-hall style rally in Lakeville, Minnesota, Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain refuted comments from a rally attendee, who told the senator that she could not trust Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama, because he was “an Arab.” McCain responded saying, shaking his head on the false accusation, and told voters that Obama

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Muslim Centre’s first Eid a success

The Oldham Muslim Centre held its first Eid prayers last week to a full house. Organisers had to hold two congregations due to the large number of people who turned up to make their prayers for Eid. The imam and spokesperson for OMC, Shaykh Abdullah Al Mamun told congregation to take what they learnt from

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Community marks end of Ramadan

Community leaders, families and worshippers came together this afternoon to mark the end of Ramadan. An Eid day gathering was held at the Bellingdon Road youth club, Chesham, giving religious leaders, councillors and Muslims from the area a chance to bring a close to the holy month of fasting. During Ramadan Muslims do not eat

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