Five convicted of conspiring to attack Fort Dix

A federal jury convicted five men of conspiring to kill American soldiers at Fort Dix, but acquitted them of attempted murder. The jury returned its verdict against the defendants – three bothers and two others, all Muslim immigrants who lived in South Jersey or Philadelphia. New Jersey federal prosecutors said the men planned to attack

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Germany mulls taking detainees from Guantanamo Bay

Germany joined Portugal in voicing a willingness to take detainees from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to aid President-elect Barack Obama’s plan to shut the camp. Germany is considering taking some detainees and will have “intensive discussions” about what to do with prisoners considered innocent who cannot return to their home countries,

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Germany deemed fertile ground for Islamic banking

The German economy is considered the strongest in the Eurozone [15-country bloc that uses the Euro currency] and the level of German exports surpassed China for the fifth year running in 2007, achieving a record export of €969 billion. Its imports amounted to €770 billion, giving Germany a trade surplus of €198 billion. According to

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