JetBlue, TSA employees settle Arabic T-shirt case for $240,000

An air passenger on JetBlue who was forced to cover his t-shirt because it displayed Arabic script, has been awarded a payout of $240,000. Two TSA officials and JetBlue will be forced to pay the sum to Raed Jarrar, a US resident, who had accused them of illegally discriminating against him based on his ethnicity

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Czech Republic: Europe is headed for Muslim future, says Czech Cardinal

Head of the Czech Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Miloslav Vlk stated that he believes the failure to adopt the Euro-treaty is attributed to an absence of Christian values, and that “medieval” Islamic values are curtailing efforts to maintain Christian values. “I do not want to sound negative… but in Islam a religion assumes the position

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Burning car rams synagogue door in France, CFCM President responds

A burning car was rammed into a synagogue door in the southwest city of Toulouse, as France’s Interior Minister convened Muslims, Jews, and police in Paris to warn against contagion from the Gaza conflict. It was not clear whether the incident Monday night was a reflection of frustrations in France as Mideast tensions rise. France

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Muslim Feminists Confront a World of Obstacles at Conference in Barcelona

The third gathering of the International Congress on Islamic Feminism held in Barcelona produced conflicting concerns over where debates are heading and how to address women’s issues. Arifa Mazhar, manager of gender issues for the Sungi Development Foundation working in Pakistan, said that she grew tired of talking about religion – suggesting conference attendees debate

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MI5 and how to deal with homegrown Muslim extremists

MI5 has faced a series of criticisms about the way it has tackled the threat posed to Britain by homegrown Muslim extremists. Now the Security Service has decided to publicly celebrate its success, albeit cautiously. In the wake of the July 2005 bomb attacks on London and a series of other plots, MI5 faced accusations

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