Dutch Muslims boycotting Pro-Israel shops en masse

Members of the Dutch Muslim community are boycotting Aldi and Lidi supermarkets following a rumor that the grocery stores will donate sales to Israel. The call for a boycott, which spread very quickly, came from an anonymous source on January 10th, saying “do not go shopping today at Aldi and Lidi. The entire sales of

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The Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) celebrates its 10th year, elects new president

A new national president marks the 10th anniversary of the CIC. The CIC Board appointed Ms. Wahida Valiante as the organization’s national president; she previously served as its Vice President. Ms. Valiante noted, “I am most fortunate to assume my duties at time when CIC has both an extremely strong Board of Directors and an

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Portugal: Cardinal warns Roman Catholic women against marrying Muslim men

A Portuguese cardinal has warned Roman Catholic women against marrying Muslim men. “Be careful with love. Think twice before marrying a Muslim, think seriously because it brings loads of hassle – and even Allah can’t say where all that will end,” said Jose Policarpo, the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon. Policarpo stressed that there are significantly

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Spain’s recession hits remittances from immigrants

According to preliminary studies released by the Spanish central bank, immigrants sent 148 million Euros less to their home countries, than during the same period in 2007; figures dropped 7% between 2007 and 2008. Industries that have attracted immigrants, such as construction, agriculture, and real estate industries have been hammered by decline in economic activity

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Dutch probe alleged anti-Semitism during Gaza rallies

Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin announced that he would investigate allegations of anti-Semitism and incitement towards violence and hatred during pro-Palestinian rallies held in the Netherlands over the past two weeks. Hirsch Ballin said that he would ask police about concerns in the rallies, and look at whether the public prosecutor had taken appropriate action

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