British Muslims ‘went on reconnaissance’ for July 7 attacks

Three men are on trial for a second time, accused of carrying out a “reconnaissance” mission for the 7/7 bombings on London. Waheed Ali, 25, Sadeer Saleem, 28, and Mohammed Shakil, 32, visited locations that bore a “clear correlation” with the suicide attacks that killed 52 innocent people on July 7, 2005, Kingston Crown Court

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Obama pledges new start with Muslims

President Barack Obama promised to improve US ties with the Muslim world in his inauguration address on Tuesday: “To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect,” said Obama, who was inaugurated at noon on January 20th. Under President Bush, US relations with Muslim nations have often

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Six Pakistanis arrested in Spain

Spanish police have arrested six Pakistanis on suspicion of tax fraud, and are being investigated on whether or not they diverted funds to Islamic terror groups. Police say that the six men were arrested in Barcelona on orders from judge Baltasar Garzon, who often investigates Islamic terrorism cases. A civil guard said that it meant

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