Popular French television series features ethnic diversity

France’s most popular television series set in Marseille, France features the country’s ethnic diversity. The nightly soap opera, “Plus Belle la Vie,” that is watched by nearly a fifth of the French population. Some 13 million people tune in at least once a week to follow the fates of various families in the multicultural confusion

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Muslim Americans exemplify diversity, potential

Gallup polling has released the results of the first-ever, nationally representative study of Muslim Americans, revealing great racial diversity, propensity for potential, and highly educated females. Polling found that Muslim Americans are the most racially diverse group surveyed in the United States, in comparison to Catholics, Jews, Protestants, and Mormons. Additionally, the report also reveals

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EU countries oppose Muslim views on racism meeting

European Union countries Tuesday stepped up their opposition to Muslim attempts to shield Islam from criticism and attack Israel through a U.N. conference on racism. EU members were unusually outspoken in appearances before the U.N. Human Rights Council, saying they were worried about preparations for a global racism conference to be held next month because

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Canadian Superior Court Judge to rule on whether veil-wearing Muslim woman can testify

In a case believed to be a Canadian first, a Superior Court judge will hear arguments next week about whether a Muslim woman can testify in a sexual-assault case while wearing a veil that leaves only her eyes visible. The case turns on two competing human-rights principles: religious freedom versus the right of defendants to

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President Nicolas Sarkozy calls for a fight against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in France

Stopping briefly at the annual CRIF (French Council of Jewish Institutions or the Conseil représentatif des institutions juives en France) dinner in Paris, French president Nicolas Sarkozy called those engaging in anti-Semitic and anti-Islamophobic actions “racists who should not be accepted in the French Republic.” In his speech, Prime Minister François Fillon recognized that the

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