French CNRS Researcher on Islam Comes Under Fire

French researcher Vincent Geisser, specialist of Muslims and the Muslim World in Aix-en-Provence at the CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research) will go before a disciplinary jury on June 29th for a recent controversy about an email he sent claiming research on Islam is persecuted by the national funding and research center.

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Guantánamo Detainees: Canada says no, EU says yes

Closing down the American prison at Guantánamo Bay is proving more difficult than initially anticipated, but so far the success has been mixed for the Obama Administration, with both disappointments and victories for the plan in the past week alone. The latest of blows to the White House’s efforts to move detainees from Guantánamo came

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Imam bridges a wedding divide

Muslim women and their Christian fiancés from across Europe are travelling to Oxford to get married because imams in their own countries refuse to perform the ceremonies. Dr Taj Hargey, chairman of the Muslim Education Centre of Oxford, said he had performed about 36 marriages in the past two years between Muslim women and non-Muslim

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Swiss Parliament Rejects Minaret Ban

The Swiss Senate overwhelmingly rejected on Friday, June 5, a proposal by right-wing parties for banning minarets in the central European country. “It is appalling to have a discussion in Switzerland about a minaret ban for ideological motives,” Radical Party Senator Dick Marty said, Swissinfo reported. By a 36-3 vote, the Senate rejected an initiative

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Hope for Muslims in Europe?

President Barack Obama’s speech in Cairo on Thursday may or may not succeed in rebuilding America’s fractured relationship with the Muslim world. But the US leader’s clear respect for Islam and Muslims as well as his plea for partnership, tolerance and respect for other faiths are music to the ears of many European Muslims who

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