Bordeaux Imam Tareq Oubrou calls for integration of Muslims in France

In his new book Profession imâm (“The Imam’s Profession”, Albin Michel, 2009) Tareq Oubrou, theologian and Imam in Bordeaux, argues that “Muslims must adapt their practices to French society.” Oubrou claims that the privatization of religion in France encourages Muslims to emphasize their faiths, contributing to their social marginalization. He points to how Muslim women

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French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) takes a position on the burqa

The Conseil Français du Culte Musulman (CFCM or the French Council of the Muslim Faith) have taken a position on the wearing of burqas in France, claiming that while they critique the practice, the do not condemn it. They are opposed a possible ban on the burqa in France, pointing to how the commission has

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Teachers complain woman refuses to shake hands

An administrative worker at the School for Journalism in Utrecht has sparked resentment among some teachers. The woman, who greets male teachers with a hand over her heart rather than shaking hands, has been working at the position since September. Some teachers have lodged a complaint regarding the practice. Trajectum quotes teacher Michiel Smis saying

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Swiss Justice Minister opposes proposed minaret ban

Banning the construction of minarets is more likely to serve the cause of religious fanatics than to halt extremism, the Swiss justice minister said on Thursday. Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf told a news conference in Bern that banning minarets would infringe basic human rights and endanger religious peace. A nationwide vote on the issue is to be

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