Examination into the importance of Muslim cemeteries in France

In this opinion piece, Atmane Aggoun, sociologist and CNRS researcher, points to the important issue of Muslim cemeteries in France, particularly as the immigrant Muslim population grows older. Fewer Muslims in France seek to be buried in their countries of origin. There are some spaces available at the Thiais cemetery (in Val-de-Marne) outside of Paris.

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Dutch government investigates halal fraud

The Dutch government is investigating possible fraud with halal certificates in the country, Volkskrant reports. The General Inspection Service, a division of the Agricultural Ministry, last month revealed that a meat wholesaler from Breda had used forged documents to sell several thousand tons of meat to Muslims in France. Ben Ali-Salah, director of Halal Correct,

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Reactions to the minaret ban: results reveal a “turning point” in Swiss-Islamic relations

Swiss voters’ clear decision on Sunday to ban the construction of minarets has generated a wide range of emotions, from stunned joy to rueful concern. Supporters of the initiative said the Swiss electorate wanted to put a brake on the Islamicisation of their country, whereas opponents were concerned about the violation of rights, not to

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Swiss voters approve minaret ban by 57 percent

To the great surprise of pollsters and the regret of the government, the Swiss on Sunday said yes to a ban on the construction of minarets. According to final results, 57.5 percent of voters and a majority of cantons backed the initiative. Turnout was high at around 55 percent. The result comes as a major

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Bardot Foundation condemns Eid slaughter in France

On the occasion of the first day of Eid al-Adha, the Bardot foundation critiqued President Nicolas Sarkozy for not having created more parameters around the slaughter of sheep. Every year members of the foundation go to certain slaughterhouses to survey; they claim that more than 70,000 sheep were illegally slaughtered.

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