The Structural Limits of the Italian System in Tackling Immigration

The request by the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni to the European institutions to sustain Italy more actively in tackling what he defines a situation of emergency, has been criticized by many actors both nationally and internationally. The government, according to many representatives of the centre-left, would be using strategically the arrivals of immigrants and creating

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FECOM warns about scams to Muslim Associations

23/02/2011 The Federation of Muslim Communities of Castilla La-Mancha has warned in a press release of a new type of scam that affects the Muslim Communities of the autonomous region of Castilla La-Mancha. The mafia modus operandi is to offer help for the fundraising in Saudi Arabia in exchange for an in advance payment from

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36% of Mercabarna slaughters are done following the Islamic Ritual

22/02/2011 Mercabarna, the Barcelona’s slaughterhouse, is one of the most important slaughterhouses for Muslims in Spain. Last year 127,651 lambs were killed (32.8% of total) in Mercabarna following the Islamic ritual. Three quarters of these products were exported to south of France, Italy and even countries as Egypt or Turkey. Morocco is also an emerging

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Muslim Shelf Stockers Can Refuse to Handle Alcohol, Court Decides

25 February 2011 A Muslim supermarket employee in Germany was sacked when he refused on religious grounds to stock shelves with bottles of alcohol. Now the country’s highest labor court has ruled that the man’s objection was justified. It’s not the first time a Muslim worker in Germany has gone to court over the right

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Debating Integration: Competing Views on Germany’s Immigrants

25 February 2011 Immigration is a heated topic in Germany. SPIEGEL recently sat down with two experts – a Turkish-born sociologist and a German-born journalist – to explore the issue. And found that a reasoned debate is difficult to come by.

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