Muslim Cleric Jailed for Child Abuse at a West Yorkshire Mosque

24.11.2011 Sabir Hussain, a hard line Muslim scholar and volunteer religious teacher at a mosque in West Yorkshire, has been sentenced to serve 10 weeks in jail for kicking and slapping young boys during religious classes at the mosque. The assaults were secretly filmed for a Channel 4 documentary, which was shown in February and

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New Survey Reveals: Britain’s Muslims Proud and Optimistic

21./22.11.2011 Results of a new survey conducted by the British think tank Demos show that British Muslims feel a greater sense of pride in being British than the population as a whole and that they are significantly more optimistic about the country’s future. The poll of 2000 people was designed to explore what symbolised the

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North Rhine-Westphalian Government to Copy Islam Conference on Federal State Level

22.11.2011 The federal government of North Rhine-Westphalia is planning on initiating a political forum to intensify and improve the dialogue and cooperation with Muslims and Muslim organisations. Similar to the national “Islam Conference”, the “Dialogue Forum Islam” is meant to address important issues related to Muslims, such as their structural integration, educational opportunities, and inter-religious

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First “Round Table Islam” in Baden-Württemberg

24.11.2011 Baden-Württemberg’s Integration Minister Bilkay Öney held the first “Round Table Islam” last week, which was initiated to improve the dialogue with Muslims (as reported). Öney invited more than 30 Muslim representatives of organisations, associations, and ministries to discuss topics such as the public perception of Islam, Islam and education, Islam and basic liberties, and

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Reactions to Right-Wing Terrorism in Germany

15./21./ 23.11.2011 In light of recent findings related to right-wing terrorism in Germany, many German Muslims are concerned about potential attacks and Muslim organisations have called for a firm fight against right-wing terrorism, racism, and Islamophobia. The chair of the Islam Council, Ali Kizilkaya, for instance, criticised that German security authorities have focused too much

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