Ahmadiyya mounts new campaign ‘We are all Germany’

With roughly 10 to 20 million members, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat (AMJ) comprises only one per cent of the worldwide Muslim population. The Ahmadiyya’s growth in Germany In Germany, too, the Ahmadiyya represents roughly 1 out of every 100 Muslims, counting approximately 45,000 members. This still makes the German Ahmadi community the largest in Europe,

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Divided by politics, united by the concept of ‘integration’: Two authors’ books cause debate in Germany

For years, ‘integration’ has been an omnipresent concept in Germany’s public debates on immigration and Islam. Even more so than in other European countries, this notion reigns hegemonic in the German context – even if it is mobilized for a range of very different political diagnoses and projects. Public broadcaster ZDF brought together two of

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Report sheds light on the harmful globalisation of countering violent extremism policies

A report by Arun Kundnani and Ben Hayes “brings much needed attention to the global deployment of increasingly standardized policies countering violent extremism”.

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Vast scope of Islamophobia in the British press revealed by one man’s monitoring of newspapers

The Guardian profiles Miqdaad Versi, an assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, who has been documenting the Islamophobia of the British press and lodging formal objections to them with the Independent Press Standards Organisation.

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Influential U.S. Imam faces criticism for his comments on the allegations against Kavanaugh

The Muslim-American co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California, Imam Zaid Shakir, has faced backlash for his now-deleted post on Facebook which suggested Sharia law should be applied in judging whether Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are credible.

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