German Constitutional Court backs hijab bans in the judiciary

Over the past twenty years, the Federal Republic of Germany has witnessed a slew of court cases surrounding Muslim women’s right to wear the hijab in different situations. Much litigation has revolved around two sites: schools and teaching personnel on the one hand, and courts and judicial employees on the other hand. Gradually, after years…

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German Muslims’ struggle for participation in local politics

In many ways, German politics is notable for its lack of diversity. For instance, no minister in the current government is non-white; none of them possess what in Germany is referred to as a ‘migration background’ – a slippery term that in politico-administrative parlance refers to everyone with at least one parent born outside of…

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The struggle over ‘British Fundamental Values’

“British Fundamental Values”, a concept introduced almost five years ago, in June 2015, by the then-education secretary Michael Gove, has remained at the centre of policy and debate with regards to education, integration and the Muslim community in Britain. The idea was introduced as part of the government’s response to the Trojan Horse Affair, where…

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