The Ontario Killing of a Muslim Family:Islamophobia in Canada

On the 6th June 2021, four members of a Muslim family – spanning three generations – were killed in a premeditated attack in London, Ontario, Canada. Only one member of the family, a nine year old boy, survived. It is the largest attack in London’s history1, and the worst attack against Canadian Muslims since the

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The combined prejudices of race, religion and gender: Increase of attacks against Black Muslim women in Canada

The province of Alberta, Canada, has seen an increase in racially motivated attacks against Black Muslim women since December 2020. These attacks include both physical threats, verbals threats, and assaults, and have been largely occurring in the cities of Calgary and Edmonton. Whilst Edmonton Police have now made arrests in connections with these cases, the way

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Quebec’s Bill 21 banning religious garments in the workplace leads to spike in racist attacks

The French speaking province of Quebec in Canada has seen a rise in racial attacks against visible minorities since Bill 21 was first presented to its legislature and then passed in June this year. Bill 21 bans judges, police officers, teachers and other certain public servants from wearing religious symbols or garments, such as the

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“Hello, I am a Muslim” event launched across Europe, Canada, and Australia to counter fears and prejudices against Muslims

The event, organised by the Islamic Community Milli Gorus (ICMG) sees young Muslims promote mutual understanding through the “Hello, I am a Muslim” message. More than five hundred European mosques are taking part in the initiative.

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Canada town votes against having a Muslim cemetery

The Canadian town of Saint-Apollinaire; has voted to oppose a zoning change that would allow a Muslim cemetery to be built.  The town’s decision to block the cemetery has led to an outcry amongst Muslims and civil-rights advocates across the country. “We never thought people could oppose the installation of a cemetery,” the centre’s president

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