Court Case Rescheduled Because of Ramadan

Defense lawyers of a Muslim man accused of a hold-up claimed that their client was put into a “weak position” because he was fasting during the time of his trial and requested it be rescheduled. One of the man’s lawyers, Mr. Yann Choucq, said that his trial would fall 14 days into the fast which…

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Religious circumcision needs child consent, charity says

Jewish and Muslim parents should wait until sons are old enough to agree to ritual circumcision, Norm-UK to tell conference. Parents should not circumcise a son on the grounds of faith without the child’s consent, a conference will hear today. Norm-UK, a charity opposed to male circumcision, said the practice was harmful and subjected children…

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Saudi women preaching hate in the British mosque that promised to clean up its act 18 months ago

Hardline female ‘preachers of hate’ are radicalising Muslim women at one of Britain’s top mosques. The Saudi Arabian preachers were secretly filmed ordering women to murder gays and ex-Muslims. Undercover reporters from Channel 4’s Dispatches recorded the lectures in the women’s section of Regent’s Park Mosque in London. An unnamed Saudi woman is seen mocking…

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Muslims gather to celebrate Ramadan in Birmingham UK

Muslim’s in Birmingham will begin 30 days of fasting next week to celebrate Ramadan. From Monday, mosques across the city will also be holding special prayers, known as Tarawih, which sees Muslims reciting a section of the Quran every night over the 30 days until they have completed the whole scripture. Mohammed Yasin, assistant general…

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