Les musulmans en France: Courants, institutions, communautés: un état des lieux

Ce précis de l’islam en France se distingue par son approche sociologique et clairement dépassionnée. Dans un souci permanent d’objectivité, Bernard Godard et Sylvie Taussig ont cherché à comprendre qui sont les millions d’hommes et de femmes, partageant le quotidien de tous les Français, qui appartiennent à cette religion, volontairement ou non, plus ou moins…

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Muslim Minorities and the Law in Europe: Chances and Challenges

In Europe today, millions of Muslims are living in secular democratic states by their own choice, contributing to the societies they are living in and forming now a new part of European identity. European secular legal orders grant them religious freedom and equal rights. Nevertheless, certain challenges for both Muslims and European legal orders should…

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American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion

Vivid, dramatic portraits of Muslims in America in the years after 9/11, as they define themselves in a religious subculture torn between moderation and extremism There are as many as six million Muslims in the United States today. Islam (together with Christianity and Judaism) is now an American faith, and the challenges Muslims face as…

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Why the French Don’t Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public Space

The French government’s 2004 decision to ban Islamic headscarves and other religious signs from public schools puzzled many observers, both because it seemed to infringe needlessly on religious freedom, and because it was hailed by many in France as an answer to a surprisingly wide range of social ills, from violence against females in poor…

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Mecca and Main Street

Islam is America’s fastest growing religion, with more than six million Muslims in the United States, all living in the shadow of 9/11. Who are our Muslim neighbors? What are their beliefs and desires? How are they coping with life under the War on Terror? Mecca and Main Street offers illuminating answers to these questions….

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