Muslim Wins Court Battle Against Crucifix

A radical Muslim leader has won a court battle to remove the crucifix from a state school where his children attend – a decision which has shocked political and public opinion and caused deep concern within Italy’s Muslim community.

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European Muslims and the Secular State in a Comparative Perspective

Sorbonne: Salle Louis Liard 17 rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris European Muslims and the Secular State in a Comparative Perspective NOCRIME CONFERENCE – Organized with the Sponsorship of the European Commission (DG Research) MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2003 I. Modes of Interaction in Non-Muslim Societies President Patrick Michel CNRS/CERI, EHESS, France Discussant: Tuula Sakaranaho University

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Dutch Parties Reject Hijab Ban Proposal

By Khaled Shawkat THE HAGUE – The Dutch far-right was dealt a fresh heavy blow in Parliament after most parties turned down a proposal to ban hijab in public administrations. Pim Fortuyn, an anti-immigration party named after its founder killed in 2002, found no support in its bid forcing Muslim civil servants to take off

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Islam, Citizenship and European Integration

École de Médecine 15, rue de l’École de Méde cine, 75006 Paris A Roundtable By The Network On Comparative Research On Islam and Muslims In Europe (NOCRIME) Organized with the Sponsorship of the European Commission (DG Research) Keynote address by Jocelyne Cesari Key question addressed: do Muslims Create and Organize their Communities in Ways that

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Integration of Muslim Migrants in Europe: Religious and Political Aspects in the aftermath of September 11, 2001

A Roundtable By The Network On Comparative Research On Islam and Muslims In Europe (NOCRIME) Organized with the Censorship of the European Commission (DG Research) Session 1: Legal, Social and Cultural Aspects of Integration of Islam in Different European Countries and in the European Union Opening Remarks and Introduction Jean-Paul Willaime EPHE, Director of GSRL

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