Saladin Ahmed’s ”Throne of the Crescent Moon” An Arab-American Fantasy Epic

Saladin Ahmed’s fantasy novel “Throne of the Crescent Moon” is inspired by One Thousand and One Nights. In his review, Richard Marcus says the epic adds much needed diversity to the fantasy genre Being a fan of a particular genre of work doesn’t blind you to its flaws. So being an unabashed admirer of both

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Islam body to guide UK government

Britain has taken the lead among Western countries with large resident Muslim communities to fund a board of Islamic theologians who will pronounce on some of the knottiest, most controversial issues of faith such as women’s rights and kamikaze religiosity, in what many see as an attempt to create an Anglo-Saxon version of Islam. The

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France Resists Ethnic Census

Contrary to certain Anglo-Saxon countries, France has historically refused to count its ethnic minorities, on the principle, engraved in the Constitution, that the Republic only recognises citizens “without distinction of origin, race or religion.” The Europe-wide debate over this rationale began in the 1990s, and the failure of the French model of integration gave new

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Readings Across The Mediterranean: To Veil Or Not To Veil… That Is Not The Question!

By Waleed Arafa The ban on hijab has stirred a great deal of discussion that has gone far deeper than simply the issue of hijab. “Islamic Identity in European Communities: Abdications and Integration. A Reading in the Current French Scene” was the title of a two-day conference held at the Faculty of Economics and Political

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