A crisis in French secularism

Perhaps no other issue has stirred as much controversy both inside and outside France as the recent decision to ban the veil in French public schools. In the heat of the passions this issue has ignited over the conflict between Islam and the West and western racism against Arabs and Muslims, it was easy to

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Demonstration in Jordan

Around 60 people, most of them veiled female students, demonstrated Monday outside the French embassy in Jordan to protest against France’s move to ban Islamic headscarves in state schools.

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A leading Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim’s opinion

A leading Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim hit out Friday at the Cairo-based Sunni leadership over its support for France’s decision to ban girls wearing the Islamic headscarf in public schools.

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A letter to Jacques Chirac

A prominent Muslim scholar appealed in a letter to French President Jacques Chirac to go back on his decision backing a ban on Hijab in public schools.?

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Dutch Parties Reject Hijab Ban Proposal

By Khaled Shawkat THE HAGUE – The Dutch far-right was dealt a fresh heavy blow in Parliament after most parties turned down a proposal to ban hijab in public administrations. Pim Fortuyn, an anti-immigration party named after its founder killed in 2002, found no support in its bid forcing Muslim civil servants to take off

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