Pushing For Islam In German Schools; Some German Schools Already Offer Islamic Classes In German

Germany’s many Muslim groups plan to unite under one umbrella in an effort to ensure that Islam can be taught in public schools, better integrating children and combating the influence of fundamentalists. “It is vital to resolve this problem and ensure that Islam can be taught in German in schools,” said Nadeem Elyas, president of

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German Immigration Law Targets Muslims

German states race to enforce the new immigration law on Muslim immigrants in Germany as if it was especially tailored for them. Days after the law went into effect at the beginning of this year, German states rushed to prepare lists of thousands of Muslim immigrants — whom the German authorities dubbed as suspects —

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This Ideology Encourages Aggression; An Islamic Expert Warns: The Islamic Federation In The Schools Is Uncontrollable

The SPD/Party of Democratic Socialism coalition wants to reform the Berlin model of religious education, in order to contain the influence of the Islamic federation. Isn’t it sufficient to control their instruction more strongly? (continued in German) _Diese Ideologie sch_rt Aggressionen Islam-Expertin warnt: Islamische F_deration an den Schulen unkontrollierbar Die SPD/PDS-Koalition will das Berliner Modell

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