F.B.I. Arrests Second Suspect in Bomb Plot Against Bank

The Bangladeshi man who was arrested Wednesday on charges that he plotted to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of New York had an accomplice in San Diego, who was arrested later on unrelated child-pornography charges, a law enforcement official said on Thursday. The man described as the accomplice, Howard Willie Carter II, was arrested

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First Canadian Bomb Terror Suspect Pleads Guilty

It was a scheme to bomb downtown Toronto that even a confessed conspirator, 22-year-old Saad Khalid, now acknowledges as “a despicable crime.” Prosecutors say the ringleaders of the so-called “Toronto 18” debated whether to plant metal chips in bombs to maximize the number of people injured – and spoke of their coordinated explosions dwarfing the

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Carleton University Fires Professor Accused in Paris Bomb Plot

An Ottawa university has replaced a professor accused of involvement in a deadly Paris bombing nearly three decades ago. Hassan Diab was teaching a part-time summer course in sociology at Carleton University. He has been a Canadian citizen since 1993. The university said it had hired Mr. Diab to teach in the summer session because

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Suspects Tried in France Over Bomb Plot

Nine suspects, deemed Islamist militants, went on trial in Paris accused of plotting bomb attacks. Safe Bourada, 38, the suspected leader of the group, served a 10-year sentence for his role in Islamist attacks in France in 1995. Prosecutors claim he recruited most of the defendants while in prison. Full-text article continues here. (Some news

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U.K. Prosecutors to Retry 7 Men for Airline Bomb Plot (Update2)

U.K. prosecutors will retry seven British Muslims who they claim conspired to blow up several passenger planes bound for North America from London after a jury days ago failed to reach a verdict. The men will be retried for conspiring to kill passengers by detonating homemade liquid-based bombs on trans-Atlantic flights, Ken Macdonald, the U.K.’s

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