French burkini ban sparks debate in UK

The ban on the burkini swimsuit on French beaches has triggered disdain in English-speaking countries, where outlawing religion-oriented clothing is viewed as hampering integration. Commentators have condemned the ban as an absurdity, and one questioned how a burkini could be more offensive than “middle-aged bum crack” bursting out from Western beachwear. Experts said the debate

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Request for women-only swimming hour in Amsterdam

A group of women in Amsterdam are seeking a women-only swimming session at an Amsterdam pool, Telegraaf reports. The women wear burkinis to swim but do not want their hands and feet to be visible should men be present. Local councillor Egbert de Vries argued that the pool already has a one-hour naked swimming session

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British swimming pools are imposing Muslim dress codes

Under the rules, swimmers — including non-Muslims — are barred from entering the pool in normal swimming attire. Instead they are told that they must comply with the “modest” code of dress required by Islamic custom, with women covered from the neck to the ankles and men, who swim separately, covered from the navel to

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French Pool Bans Burkini-Wearing Swimmer

Carole, a 35-year-old French convert to Islam has threatened legal action after she was evicted from a public pool for wearing a “burkini” – a veil, trouser and tunic covering that she said allowed her to swim while preserving her modesty. The case revolving around the Emerainville pool east of Paris (Seine-et-Marne) has reopened France’s

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Burkini Now Generally Accepted in Netherlands

According to sales reports and the Dutch National Platform of Swimming Pools, use of the burkini in the Netherlands has now reached “normal” status, as most swimming pools in the country now allow them to be worn. One burkini store in Meppel has hired extra staff to meet increased demand, and the Woordman Sportswear company

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