Muslims Fault Blair’s Imam Strategy

CAIRO – The British government is misguided if it thinks that imams whether homegrown or foreigners are to blame for extremism and that training them in UK university is the solution, Muslim experts and university imams told the Guardian on Tuesday, June 12. “The problem is not imams and their countries of origin,” said Ibrahim

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Music of Arab composers goes to Europe concert halls

The works of 25 modern Arab composers are to be performed in major European concert halls for the first time, with London hosting a preview in June, organizers said on Wednesday. After London, the programme will go to festivals in European capitals, including Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen and Amsterdam, and then, from 2009, to the respective

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Expelled from Egypt, Free in France

No charge. In the end, France had no complaint against eight supposed islamists expelled from Egypt last week. All were freed. The group was arrested in mid-Novmeber in a Cairo neighborhood. According to the Egyptian minister of the interior, they were part of a terrorist cell recruiting volunteers in order to incite them to jihad

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Readings Across The Mediterranean: To Veil Or Not To Veil… That Is Not The Question!

By Waleed Arafa The ban on hijab has stirred a great deal of discussion that has gone far deeper than simply the issue of hijab. “Islamic Identity in European Communities: Abdications and Integration. A Reading in the Current French Scene” was the title of a two-day conference held at the Faculty of Economics and Political

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A leading Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim’s opinion

A leading Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim hit out Friday at the Cairo-based Sunni leadership over its support for France’s decision to ban girls wearing the Islamic headscarf in public schools.

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