Deradicalisation Programme Successful in Saving Young Muslims from Extremism, Study Finds

11 April 2011 A study by the Universities Police Science Institute of Cardiff University has found that counterterrorism strategies have shown positive effects. In particular, it is reported that 1,000 young Muslims, who were at risk of being wooed by al-Qaida, have been monitored under a deradicalisation programme, the “Channel Programme”, which caused the number

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New Book: Chris Allen’s, “Islamophobia”

‘This timely and accessible book rests upon many years of careful research by a scholar whose early career has been devoted to understanding and critically evaluating the complex notion of Islamophobia. It will become a standard work of reference, as well as stimulating future discussion. There are insights in Allen’s work that deserve to be

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“Muslims in Britain: An Introduction” by Sophie Gilliat-Ray (Cardiff University) Cambridge University Press, June 2010

Archaeological evidence shows there was contact between Muslims and the British Isles from the 8th century. Beginning with these historical roots, Sophie Gilliat-Ray traces the major points of encounter between Muslims and the British in subsequent centuries, and explores Muslim migration to Britain in recent times. Drawing upon sociology, anthropology, politics, and geography, this comprehensive

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Cardiff University Jameel MA Scholarships – 3 scholarships available starting in September 2010 on the MA in ‘Islam in Contemporary Britain’

Eligibility for MA Scholarships * A first class or very high upper-second class honors degree or equivalent in a relevant subject from a recognized university. * Evidence of a clear ambition to develop an academic research career in the area of Islam and Muslims in Britain * Proven track-record of interest in, and/or enthusiasm for

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Most Muslim coverage ‘negative’

Researchers looking at the way British Muslims are represented by the media say they have found that most coverage is negative in tone. A Cardiff University team behind the study looked at nearly 1,000 newspaper articles from the past eight years. Two-thirds focused on terrorism or cultural differences, and much of it used words such

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