More mosques to be built in France

In the next several years, the construction of large mosques will accelerate in France, in Marseille, Strasbourg, Nantes, Paris, Tours, Saint-Denis, Cergy-Pontoise, and other French locations. Le Monde suggests that approximately 200 large mosques will open, leading to the closure of 2000 small prayer rooms around the territory. At the same time, the Catholic Institute…

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    RVW L’édification de deux mosquées retardée à Marseille et à Montreuil

    By St_phanie Le Bars La construction de la mosqu_e de Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) sera finalement retard_e. Le tribunal administratif de Cergy-Pontoise a annul_ le bail emphyt_otique sign_ entre la municipalit_ et l’association musulmane porteuse du projet. Le jugement a _t_ rendu public lundi 25 juin par Patricia Vayssi_re, _lue du Mouvement national r_publicain (MNR) de la…

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