Dutch annual General Political Assembly overshadowed by refugee crisis

The first day of the Dutch annual General Political Assembly (Dutch: ‘Algemene Politieke Beschouwingen’) in the Dutch Lower House for a large part was dominated by the increased influx of refugees. All party chairmen gave attention to the issue. According to the Dutch anti-Islam party chairman Geert Wilders (Party for Freedom) the Netherlands is in

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France is 32% Muslim: The chimera that terrifies the French

32% of the French population is Muslim, and the country is composed for 28% immigrants. These are the estimations of the French based on a public opinion survey published in The Guardian. The actual figures show that France is made up of about 10% immigrants and 8% Muslims. Sociologist Nacira Guenif-Souilamas discusses the reasons for

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Jail Sentence Over ‘Cyber Jihad’

March 5, 2014   A French convert to Islam was convicted of using the Internet to disseminate terrorist propaganda and promote participation in terrorist acts and was sentenced by a Paris court to one year in prison and two more on probation late Tuesday. The case is the first using a law passed in 2012

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Could principles of Islamic finance feed into a sustainable economic system?

October 18, 2013   Islamic finance has been a significant global force for the past few decades, but in recent years sharia-compliant saving and investing have become more common. For example, in June, Goldman Sachs provided a loan to Arcapita Bank, an Islamic investment company, that in compliance with sharia law did not charge interest.

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Interview with Prof. Karakaşoglu about teachers with headscarf

July 31   Yasemin Karakaşoglu is a Professor for Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen. In an interview with the the Migration Journal Migazin,  Karakaşoglu speaks about the challenges consequences of the headscarf ban in public schools for students, who wear headscarves and are aiming for teaching degree. According to her personal experiences, some

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