New study claims the French are open to immigration

According to a new survey released by TNS Opinion for the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the French view immigration as far more favorable than Americans, Brits, Germans, Italians, the Dutch and Poles. Unlike the British, for instance, the French consider immigration as an opportunity and not as a problem. Unlike Italians, they

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Information Agreements between Spain and Algeria

The Algerian President, Abdelaziz Buteflika, has received the Interior Minister Alfredo P_rez Rubalcaba, to sign an agreement about security and fight against terrorism and organized crime. The agreement defines terrorism specifically as a form of criminality and establishes dispositions about the collaboration and cooperation on the activity of information.

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Interview with Islam Expert Dietrich Reetz: ‘Muslims Have a Right to Be Different’

Islam expert Dietrich Reetz of Berlin’s Center for Modern Oriental Studies (ZMO) speaks to SPIEGEL about Muslims in Germany, social tensions and the prospects for dialogue between the communities. SPIEGEL: Mr. Reetz, recently the debate about the propensity to violence, among young Muslim men in particular, has heated up in Germany. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung co-editor

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Muslim Group Attacks Mosque Plan

Government plans that could see the closure of mosques suspected of inciting extremism have been attacked by Muslim leaders. Sir Iqbal Sacranie said the move would “criminalise an entire community for the criminality carried out by a few”. The Muslim Council of Britain secretary general made his comments in a speech to an east London

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