German Conservative Minister: “We are called CSU and not MSU”

After decades of mistrust, the Bavarian conservative party CSU tries to renegotiate its position towards Islam. G_nther Beckstein, Bavarian head of state, and leading members of his party have recommended to open the party. Now the Bavarian CSU minister for European affairs, Markus S_der, has warned his party to open for Muslims.

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Rapprochement of the German Conservatives with Islam

After decades of mistrust, the Bavarian conservative party CSU recently tries to carefully approach Islam. Party leader Gunther Beckstein, Bavarian head of state, and leading members of his party have recommended to open the party. At the moment, the number of Muslim members of the German conservative party is marginal. Beckstein and other party leaders

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Bavarian Conservatives as a new Home for enlightened Muslims?

The Bavarian conservative party (CSU) wants to be more open to Muslim members. According to Alois Gl_ck, chairman of the commission for basic principles of the party, the CSU should also become a party for Muslims. Albert Sch_ffer reports.

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RVW Berlin veut pénaliser les séjours en camp d’entraînement

Extrait : LES MINISTRES de l’int_rieur de l’Etat f_d_ral et des L_nder allemands ont d_cid_, le 7 septembre, de p_naliser les s_jours dans les camps d’entra_nement terroriste. Les trois suspects arr_t_s le 4 septembre, accus_s de pr_parer des attentats, avaient _t_ form_s dans des camps au Pakistan. Les ministres restent divis_s sur l’espionnage informatique. Depuis

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Coalition for Sanctions Against Foreigners Unwilling to Assimilate

In the opinion of CSU boss Edmund Stoiber, social security benefits should be collected from immigrants if they do not participate in integration courses. It should also be possible to refuse them permanent residence status. Guenther Beckstein, the Bavarian Minister of the Interior, expressed his position in similar terms. Ute Vogt, vice chairman of the

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