Farrakhan inspires crowd at Bowie State

Nearly two decades after the Million Man March, Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, is still challenging African Americans to take responsibility for their lives. “I am the change that I am looking for. Don’t look for someone else to make changes for you,” said Farrakhan during a 90-minute discussion Friday night…

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Experts at panel discussion examine whether NYPD should have inspector general

NEW YORK — The city police department should have an inspector general to examine its conduct, but the monitor would need independence and a broad mandate to be effective, a panel of criminal justice and legal experts said Wednesday. The City Council is weighing a proposal to put the nation’s largest police force under the…

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Funny, but Plotting Havoc Isn’t Easy

‘Modern Terrorism,’ by Jon Kern, at the Second Stage Theater If all the would-be evildoers crawling the globe were as amusing and incompetent as the dizzy threesome from “Modern Terrorism,” a new play by Jon Kern that opened on Thursday at the Second Stage Theater, the world would be a pacific place indeed. That’s a…

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Canadian sociologist claims Muslim youths feel scrutinized

Straight.com – September 12, 2012   An Ontario academic says that Muslim young people in Canada are experiencing negative effects of the so-called war on terror in some unusual ways. On September 10, Jasmin Zine, an associate professor of sociology at Wilfrid Laurier University, said during a panel discussion at W2 Media Café that she…

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French-Algerian filmmaker tackles identity politics on the silver screen

Friday, 31 August 2012 French politician and filmmaker Yamina Benguigui has tackled sensitive issues in France in relation to individuals of Maghreb origin within her productions, which focus on immigration and identity politics.

In an interview, Benguigui pointed towards the importance of political discussion within her movies, particularly in her latest film “Immigrant Memories.”

Born in France…

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