Dutch Muslims sending children to Egypt for education

NRC Handelsblad has run a feature article exploring why Dutch-Egyptian parents are sending their children to school in Egypt. Three hundred children from Amsterdam were sent to schools in Egypt last year- twice as many as to Morocco. Education minister Sharon Dijkstra is concerned by the trend, which is “undesirable” because it presents an obstacle…

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Growth of Salafism in the Netherlands Slows

The growth of Salafism in the Netherlands has slowed, the intelligence service AIVD told Nos TV on September 8. A 2007 report by the agency warned of the increasing influence of Salafist imams on Dutch Muslims, not because of a call to violence, but because they prevent the integration of Muslims by rejecting Western society….

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Many Muslims want to leave due to Wilders

The rise in support for anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders means many Dutch Muslims are considering emigrating, according to a poll for NCRV tv. While 75% of Dutch Muslims said they still feel at home in the Netherlands, 57% say they feel less welcome, the poll shows, according to the Telegraaf. And 51% are thinking more…

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Orange headscarves for Dutch Muslims in Haarlem

Muslim women in Haarlem will celebrate Queen’s Day in Dutch style this year. A group of students plan to hand out 5,000 orange headscarves on April 30th, to promote tolerance in the Netherlands. The orange headscarves allow Muslim women to express their loyalty to their faith, as well as to the queen. Two students initiated…

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Dutch Muslims boycotting Pro-Israel shops en masse

Members of the Dutch Muslim community are boycotting Aldi and Lidi supermarkets following a rumor that the grocery stores will donate sales to Israel. The call for a boycott, which spread very quickly, came from an anonymous source on January 10th, saying “do not go shopping today at Aldi and Lidi. The entire sales of…

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