Connecting with believers in testing times: German religious communities in the face of Covid-19

Germany has one of the highest numbers of confirmed cases of the novel Corona virus (Covid-19) in Europe. Emergency measures designed to slow the spread of the disease mean that ordinary public life has ground to a halt. In a raft of sweeping steps announced on March 16, the German federal and regional governments prohibited

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Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and Coordinating Council of Muslims (KRM) delegation meet in Cologne to convey peace

June 16, 2014 Representatives of the umbrella organization KRM (Coordinating Council of Muslims) have met with delegates of the EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany). The central theme of this year’s meeting was the contribution of religious communities in Germany to promote peace in society and among nations. In the light of the dramatic situation in

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Critics Against Protestant Theologians

In a new book, 14 professors have criticized the attitude of the German Protestand Chruch (EKD) towards Islam. The EKD should give up radical positions, such as the idea of proselytization to stop supporting fundamentalist positions of Christians and Muslims.

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German Protestant Theologian Argues Against Common Christian-Muslim Prayer

The President of the church office of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), Hermann Barth, opposes a common prayer of Christians and Muslims. In doing so, Barth argued, important traditions would get lost.

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