Businesses’ newly affirmed ability to ban headscarves likely to continue in Post-Brexit UK

On Tuesday (14 March), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled against two Muslim women who claimed employment discrimination after being fired from their jobs for wearing hijab, modest religious dress which includes a headscarf. British legal experts say that the ruling will automatically remain enforced in the UK until it has actually split from the

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Muslim engineer’s access to nuclear sites suspended

August 18, 2014 In March 2014 the head of an engineering project, employed by a subcontractor of the EDF, was refused access to nuclear sites at the nuclear center in Nogent-sur-Seine “without any apparent reason” by the city’s prefecture. The 29 year-old engineer had previously received access in 2012 and 2013. However, in March the

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Got religion on campus? Leave it off your resume

June 16, 2014 Recent college grads, take note: Mentioning a campus religion group on your resume — particularly a Muslim club — may lead to significantly fewer job opportunities. Two new sociology studies find new graduates who included a religious mention on a resume were much less likely to hear back from potential employers. The

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