A new wave of Muslim feminists

Amongst the many contemporary reformist movements of Islam, one is concerned with the promotion of progressive and inclusive ideals such as gender equality and deals with questions on sexuality, homosexuality and transgender identities. What is called Islamic feminism is a tradition which emerged in Iran as an intellectual movement based on the critical exegesis of

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Islamic Feminism – an Absurdity?

9 February 2011 The Society for Women and Qualification (VFQ) invites speakers every year to speak on International Women’s Day, and this year it will be the Islamic scholar Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji who will speak about the relationship between Islam and feminism. Hafner-Al Jabaji has been active in the fields of Islam, female Muslims in

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NPNS Protest in Paris wearing Surgical Bonnets

Approximately 60 members of the French feminist organization NPNS (Ni Putes Ni Soumisses or Neither Whores nor Submissives) gathered at the Place de la Republique in Paris to make public their position against the burqa in France. President Sihem Habchi told AFP that “for this generation, the rallying point is secularism, parity and to build

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Martin Amis visits Toronto to speak on feminism and al-Qaeda

Critics have accused him of Muslim-bashing, and some say he has turned into a cranky old curmudgeon like his famous father, Kingsley. Martin Amis will appear in Toronto at two events, the Grano Speaker Series and the Donner Canadian Foundation Lecture to describe similarities between feminism and Islamic extremism.

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Muslim Feminists Confront a World of Obstacles at Conference in Barcelona

The third gathering of the International Congress on Islamic Feminism held in Barcelona produced conflicting concerns over where debates are heading and how to address women’s issues. Arifa Mazhar, manager of gender issues for the Sungi Development Foundation working in Pakistan, said that she grew tired of talking about religion – suggesting conference attendees debate

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