Controversial mosque allowed to be build in Gouda

Although the town council of Gouda has yet to agree on the matter, the College of Mayors and Aldermen have decided that the so-called ‘mega mosque’ is allowed to be build. Despite criticism from people in the neighbourhood. Political party CDA (Christian Democratic Appel) is ‘astonished’, because at this point there is still an investigation

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Why citizens of Gouda don’t want a ‘mega mosque’

Citizens in the neighbourhood where this so-called ‘mega mosque’ is planned being build are not happy with this plan. Edward Uittenbroek is one of the initiators of ‘Gouda Noord zoals het Hoort’ [‘Gouda North, how it should be’] and is worried about a dense Islamic concentration in the neighbourhood. Because this mosque ought not only

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A Muslim Caregiver Fired Because of Her Veil

September 18, 2013   “Lose the veil or you are fired.” This was part of an incident reported by Tatiana Rotar, a 26 year old Ukrainian domestic worker, who was accompanied by her partner, Ashraf Gouda, an Egyptian, and owner of a food Import & Export, and resident of Malnate where he served as an

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Dutch Mayor Comments on Unruly Moroccan Youth

November 14, 2010 The mayor of Dutch town Gouda commented this week that ending trouble caused by Dutch Moroccan children and teenagers may take “at least another generation”. He made the comments during a town council discussion over the unrest caused by a persistent group of Dutch Moroccan youths between the ages of 8 and

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Gouda develops transport for elderly immigrant women

Immigrant elderly women in Gouda have recently received their ‘own’ custom bus to their day-center and to the Korte Akkeren health-care center in Gouda, Telegraaf reports. Moustapha El Baroudi, spokesperson for the Zorgberaad Midden-Holland organization that bought the bus, explains that the women’s inability to tell time and reluctance to be picked up by male

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